(905) 339-0339

281 Speers Rd, Oakville L6K2G1

The Dangers of Texting and Driving

Being in constant connection with those in our lives has become the norm. Texting, calling, or video seem to always be on the go. With cell phone use in cars becoming increasingly popular, the consequences and dangers are rising as well.

Using your cell phone while driving is extremely dangerous and can result in an accident, injury, or even death. Distracted drivers put their own life at risk while putting other motorists in serious danger that could cost them their lives as well.

As a parent you should make is clear that your teen driver is not to use their cell phone for any reason while driving. This includes calling, texting, playing music, games, etc. Explain to them that taking their eyes off the road could cost them their life or cause a serious and fatal accident.

Lead by example. Follow your own rules. As an adult lead by example. If children or teens see you driving while on your phone, they will assume that they can do the same when they have their license. Many young people are putting their and others lives at risk by using their mobile device behind the wheel.

Many teens expect a reply to a text, email, or call within five minutes or less. This instant connection contributes to the pressure being on teens to quickly respond while driving. The issue is that teens think they are able to multitask while driving. However, no matter who you are, or how good you believe you are at multitasking, no one can safely drive while texting. Things happen quickly on the road. If you are looking down at your phone you may run a red light, run a stop sign, rear end someone in front of you, or swerve into oncoming traffic. By looking away from the road for seconds you are risking your life. When you are on the road stay off your phone!

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